It is losses that an entity expects to incur due to various risks materializing in the future.
These risks include financial risks such as:
market risk
credit risk
liquidity risk and
operational risk
Why is it necessary to account for expected credit losses?
IFRS 9 requires companies to present the financial statements in such a way that they fairly represent the position of the company. Therefore, if the company expects to have losses in the future, those expected losses should be accounted for and reflected in the financial statements at the current time.
Default probability, or probability of default (PD), is the likelihood that a borrower will fail to pay back a debt. For businesses, probability of default is reflected in credit ratings. PD is typically calculated by running a migration analysis of similarly rated loans, over a prescribed time frame, and measuring the percentage of loans that default. That PD is then assigned to the risk level; each risk level will only have one PD percentage.
Navigate to Treasury>Loans > Setup for loans > Probability defaults
Create a Probability defaults line
In the Probability defaults page, select the New button in the Action pane to create a new line for probability defaults.
Fill in values for the fields in Probability defaults
Probability defaults Columns and descriptions:
Lower band – The probability default lower band is the lowest probability default value for this range
Upper band - The probability default lower band is the maximum probability default value for this range
Risk grade – The probability default Risk grade is a numerical value attached to the risk, as risk increases, the Risk grade and Probability default increases e.g., 1 being low and then increasing. The maximum Risk grade is 25.
Lower PD – The lower Probability default percentage for the line
Higher PD - The higher Probability default percentage for the line
Average PD – The average of the Lower PD and Higher PD. This is a calculation that will perform after Lower PD and Higher PD was filled in.
External agency rating – To set up the External agency rating, Navigate to Treasury > Common > Credit ratings
Color– This is a color that gives a visual representation of the line. This color will be used in the Financial risk register.
When you enter the Risk grade number (as setup above) to the Financial Risk Register, in the Credit rating field (under Expected Credit loss FastTab), it will populate the related color into the risk line.
Navigate to Treasury > Loans > Setup for Loans > Loan groups
In the Posting profiles FastTab enter the ECL account type as well as the Expected credit loss which is the Main account that will be used for the Expected credit loss journal.
ECL account type and Expected credit loss
Loan Group - Posting Profiles FastTab
After the Credit loss journal proposal, this account per loan group will show up in the Expected credit loss journal.
This credit score ratings engine will provide more depth for credit ratings that is done in the Treasury module. This setup forms the basis for the Last credit score that can be done on Customers, Vendors, Loan applicants and Loan providers and receivers.
Navigate to Treasury > Setup > Credit ratings > Credit score group
Financial risks consist of a Header, Lines and Assessment dates. Financial risks can be linked to various financial elements inside the system, such Loans, Investments, Currencies and more.
In the same Financial risk register page, scroll down to the Expected credit loss FastTab
Select Addto create an Expected credit loss line
Enter the Date of the Expected credit loss risk
The Date of the Expected credit loss is the Assessment date of the line
¶ Step 9.1.1: Credit rating for the Expected credit loss
The Credit rating field in the Expected credit loss FastTab is a numeric field
Enter the credit rating. These credit ratings are set up in the Probability defaults page.
To see the credit ratings values in the Probability defaults page, navigate to:
Loans > Setup for loans > Probability defaults and inspect the Risk grade column in the table.
Using the above image, In the Credit rating column in the Expected credit loss FastTab, if the user enters:
“1” then the colour Green will display in the Initial risk column in the financial risk register
“2” then the colour Yellow will display in the Initial risk column in the financial risk register
“3” then the colour Orange will display in the Initial risk column in the financial risk register
“4” then the colour Red will display in the Initial risk column in the financial risk register
“5” then the colour Red will display in the Initial risk column in the financial risk register
Therefore, when the user enters a Credit rating that matches a Risk grade in the Probability defaults table, the colour in the Colour column of the Probability defaults page will then display in the Financial risk register in the Initial risk column on the left.
Enter “2” as the Credit rating.
The colour will be that of Risk grade where the Risk grade is equal to 2 in the Probability defaults page.
¶ Step 9.1.2: Exposure at default on the Expected credit loss
When creating a new line in the Expected credit loss FastTab, the Exposure at default column will automatically populate the Carrying value of the Loan at the date of creation of that line.
¶ Step 9.1.3: Default probability % on the Expected credit loss FastTab
LGD and Default probability % columns in Expected credit loss FastTab
LGD is an abbreviation for Loss Given Default.
Enter the LGD percentage in the the LGD% column
Enter a Default probability %
¶ Step 9.1.4: ECL column on the Expected credit loss FastTab
ECL is the Expected credit loss which is the output of all the inputs.
The system will calculate the Expected credit loss and plot the amount in the ECL column. The amount is calculated as follows:
Exposure at default * Default probability% * LGD%
Note that the Currency column is the Transaction currency of the loan.
¶ Step 9.1.5: Factors considered for the Expected credit loss line
In the Expected credit loss FastTab, there is a free text field namely, Factors considered, for the user to enter the factors taken into account for the expected credit loss calculation.
¶ Step 9.1.6: Additional lines on the Expected credit loss FastTab
Click on Add in the Expected credit loss FastTab to add another line for the loan at a later date that represents the Expected credit loss at that date.
The steps are:
Click on Add to add another expected credit loss line
Enter the assessment date in Date
Enter the Credit rating
The Initial risk colour changes based off the credit rating value
Enter a default probability %.
Enter the LGD%
It is important to note that the system will use the Most recent Date in the Expected credit loss FastTab as the Expected credit loss amount. This will be the line at the bottom as the lines are sorted so that the latest Date is displayed at the bottom
The most recent Expected credit loss line per Risk line will be displayed for the specific loan on the loan header.
Navigate to Treasury > Loans > Loans
In the Loans page, filter the loans to find your loan
Search for the specific loan used in the Financial risk register in the filter bar and press Enter
Click on the Loan number
Scroll down to the Credit risk – internal FastTab
How the credit risk – internal FastTab works:
The values from the risk line for a specific loan as well as from the Expected credit loss FastTab will display here.
It is important to note that the Credit risk – internal FastTab, contains the values of the latest Date line in the Expected credit loss FastTab (from the Financial risk register)
Values from the Financial risk register, Expected credit loss FastTab to the Credit rating-internal FastTab in the Loan.
In the same Financial risk register, it is possible to add multiple risk lines. Do this by clicking on the Add button on the left below the Risks colour boxes.
Navigate to Treasury > Loans > Inquiries and reports > Expected credit loss enquiry
The purpose of the Expected credit loss enquiry page is to select a group of specific Expected credit loss risks from the Financial risk register and to Propose journals for these expected credit losses, which can then be approved and posted.
Expected credit loss enquiry page showing the Risk lines created in the Financial risk register
Each line displayed in the Expected credit loss enquiry page is a Risk line from the Financial risk registers if that risk line has a unique Loan attached as the Financial element. When there are risk lines that contain the same Loan as the Financial element, then the system will Only display the Risk line with the latest Date in the Expected credit loss FastTab.
Navigate to Treasury > Loans > Inquiries and reports > Expected credit loss enquiry
Click on Credit loss journal proposal in the Action pane
In the Create journaldialogue page, select and complete the following sections:
Filters & Options
The Filters & Options section on the Create dialogue page includes the following:
From date - Filter by the From date which filters Expected credit losses with Assessment dates from this date.
The Assessment date is the date in the Expected credit loss FastTab
To date - Filter by the To date which filters Expected credit losses with Assessment dates up to this date
Loan category
Loan group
Company - select a specific legal entity
Currency - The transaction currency of the Loan
Group journal lines by (select between None and Group)
If Group by = None, then a voucher number will be assigned per expected credit loss. No grouping will take place.
If Group by = Group, then a single voucher number will be assigned per Loan group. The sum of the amounts in the Credit column will be used as the amount of the journal line
Select the journal name that will be used for the Expected credit loss. Only journal names with Treasury journal type of Expected credit loss will be available for selection here
Main account
Select a Main account to be used as the Main account in the journal proposal for Loan groups that do not have an account selected for the Expected credit loss in Loan groups.
If no financial dimensions were specified in the Loan group, then the user can enter financial dimensions that relates to the Main account.
If the user entered a Main account in the Expected credit loss and a Main account is set up in Loan groups, then the journalwould use the main account that is set up in the Loan groups and not the Main account from the Proposal.
Dimension – Default Financial dimensions
Select a Main account that will be used as the offset account (if no account is selected in the Posting profiles (Loans) for Expected credit losses)
Risk lines with identical Financial elements.
For two Risk lines with exactly the same Financial element, only the Risk line with the latest Assessment Date in the given time period asspecified in the Credit loss journal proposal will be used for the Loan as it’s expected credit loss value.
If Start date is 4/30/2022 and the End date is 6/1/2022 as selected in the Credit loss journal proposal, then for two risk lines with the same Financial element, the latest assessment date in that time period will be used.
When all the desired fields are filled in for the Credit loss journal proposal, then click on the OK button at the bottom of the dialogue
A message will pop up stating that the journal has been created