The focus of this module is to manage cash, claims, interest and money as efficiently as possible. Hedging is a term, which means 'to transfer risk'.
Hedging is a form of investment to protect another investment, while derivatives come in the form of contracts or agreements between two parties. Hedging and extension derivatives are both unprotected or subject to regulation and oversight by the government. Neither method is a sure way of protection or prevention losses or risks.
For more information on the setup of the Financial risk register, open the GRC001 Test script Operational Risk management.docx document, which forms part of the Governance, Risk and Compliance module.
The GRC001 Test script Operational Risk management.docx document contain the following setup:
Hedge items and instruments index tab consist of the following FastTabs:
Hedge header
Determine qualifying hedged item
Determine qualifying hedged instrument
The following Hedge items are supported:
Fixed assets
Cash investments
Non-cash investments
Sales Orders
Purchase Orders
¶ Step 6.3.1: Determine qualifying hedged item FastTab
Expand the Determine qualifying hedged item FastTab
Click on Add line to add a new line
Click on Remove to remove a line
Qualifying button will open a questionnaire with the following questions:
Is this item reliably measurable yes / no
If Yes was selected above, then the following three fields will become available.
Select an item type
Select Item qualifying type
Select Item relation type
Commodity yes / no
If yes, select a Commodity from the drop-down menu
Enter a Currency
Is this transaction with an internal party yes / no
If Yes was selected for transaction with an internal party, the following three fields will become available
Consolidated statements of an investment entity? yes / no
Foreign currency risk of an intragroup monetary item where not fully eliminated? yes / no
Foreign currency risk of a highly probable forecast intragroup transaction? yes / no
Click on Update
Hedge item lines button will open a new page where lines can be added
¶Step 6.3.2: Determine qualifying hedged item instrument FastTab
Expand the Determine qualifying hedged item instrument FastTab
Click on Add line to add a new line
Click on Remove to remove a line
Qualifying button will open a questionnaire with the following questions:
Is the instrument contract with an external party Yes / No
Are there any exceptions which could disqualify this transaction as a hedging instrument? Yes / No
Do you wish to jointly designate more than one qualifying hedging instrument? Yes / No
If yes: Are the instruments offsetting derivative contracts? Yes / No
Is only a component of the instrument designated? Yes / No
Is the instrument the change in the value of an option (as opposed to change in time value)? Yes / No
Is the instrument the change in the value of the spot element of a forward contract (as opposed to the forward element)? Yes / No
Can the foreign currency basis spread be excluded with the remainder separately designated? Yes / No
Can a part of the entire hedging instrument be designated (where the change in future value does not result from only a portion of the period during which it remains outstanding)? Yes / No
When opening the Hedge item and instruments tab, the Hedge item lines button for Items and Instruments will only be available when a user is on a record where parent type value is one of the following:
Non-Cash Investments,
Sales Orders and
Purchase Orders
For any other parent record, the button will be greyed out