The production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
"The effects of lead emission on health"· "Cuts in carbon dioxide emissions".
One can cause emissions yourself or cause them indirectly through the supply chain.
Direct emissions are produced by burning fuel for power or heat, through chemical reactions, and from leaks from industrial processes or equipment. Most direct emissions come from the consumption of fossil fuels for energy.
Indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are emissions that are a consequence of the activities of the reporting entity but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity.
Go to: Health, Safety and Environment > Environmental > Substances
Go to: HSE > Environmental > Setup for environmental > Emissions/Utilities sources
The Emissions register is the heart of the emissions management system. For the creation and maintenance of the emissions register we will concentrate on the header part of the form for now.
Go to: HSE > Environmental > Environmental registers > Emissions register
- Click on the Close button on the Action pane to close the selected record
- The user has the option to Show closed records as well
- Emissions registers can also be created from the Project
The target for every waste stream can be setup or updated at any point.
From this point forward, any new lines that are created for the actuals, will inherit the new planned quantity
The Emissions register is the heart of the emissions management system.
The Lines part of the form is where the actual values are recorded.
Go to: HSE > Environmental > Environmental registers > Emissions register
- The rest of the fields are updated by the system and will be discussed later
- There is no fixed schedule that is prescribed by the system when an actual value needs to be recorded. The client can decide when an actual value will be recorded. This can be daily, monthly, quarterly annually, etc.
Example: The user enters the quantity of Diesel consumed, the system will calculate the tons of CO2 generated by using the factor on the header.
Any recorded actual value can be changed or corrected at any time
- Please note that the Actual quantity is updated with the new actual value, and will reflect the last change/correction done
- The Original quantity field is where the system stores the originally captured quantity. This is updated by the system and cannot be changed by the user
- The Reason field only shows the last change to this record
- The Record status will be set to Changed
- The Modified by and Modified date and time is also updated by the system
Displays the trend of actual values per emission type per department over a period
Go to: HSE > Workspaces > Environmental management > Emissions graph