It is highly desirable that a program be set up to monitor and inspect specific objects or locations.
Such an inspection program will:
Enable control measures to be checked
Enable work practices to be observed
Permit the monitoring of risk management performance
Provide a mechanism for identifying hazards
An inspection program:
Should initially identify the areas and/or equipment to be inspected, as well as the frequency of inspection.
Someone should be made responsible for carrying out inspections.
A checklist should be prepared for each area to be inspected.
The checklist should include the most significant hazards as well as the controls that are expected in the area.
The inspection program should include:
Physical features, such as checking that guards are in place and goods are being stored in the correct areas.
Checks to see that the correct working practices are being followed.
The checklist should be created to reflect a specific object and the hazards that it might contain.
Inspection records:
When inspections are carried out, a copy of the relevant checklist should be taken to the inspection site.
Each item should be ticked or crossed (as appropriate), and relevant comments recorded.
If the inspector sees something that is not on the inspection list that needs to be noted, he/she can use the Add lines button on the Inspection journal lines form to add this point when doing the inspection feedback.
A checklist is very useful for the regular inspection of specific items. However, they may not be as useful in identifying previously unrecognized hazards/problems. To accommodate this type of inspection, setup checklists.
Walk through inspections
An activity in which someone walks through an area, building, etc. in order to inspect it without using a checklist template. This method keeps you from getting stuck looking at the same things every time and noticing other things that might be out of place.
The effectiveness of this inspection method is dependent on the individual's level of knowledge about workplace related safety practices.
It is important to document the results of the inspection and any action taken in resolving or addressing safety hazards.
To accommodate this type of inspection, create an empty inspection list, then use the Add lines button on the Inspection journal lines form to add lines to the checklist when doing feedback on an inspection.
Risk mapping inspections
Risk mapping is used at safety meetings where everyone is familiar with the workplace and processes.
This technique uses a map/drawing of the workplace or a list of steps in a process.
People in the meeting then tell the leader what hazards they recognize, as well as where they are located in the workplace or process.
The leader uses different colors or symbols to identify different types of hazards on the map or steps in the process.
This type of inspection is ideal for involving all employees in identifying and resolving safety hazards.
To accommodate this type of inspection, create an empty inspection list, then use the Add lines button on the Inspection journal lines form to add lines to the checklist when doing feedback on an inspection.
An inspection list is the list of points that will be printed on the inspection sheet. The inspector will use this inspection list to score the object/location that is being inspected.
The user can choose to use simple Yes/No answers, or a more advanced answers with scores
For Simple Yes/No answers:
Go to: HSE > Inspections > Setup for inspections > Inspection list
Under the General Fast tab:
Enter an Inspection list name
Enter an Inspection sheet notice that is to be printed at the top of the inspection sheet
Enter the Passing %
Select Yes to Allow Yes/No answers
On the Inspection list under the Lines Fast tab:
The Skull and bone column is visible
The Correct answer field is visible. (The user indicates whether the correct answer for the line is Yes or No)
On the Inspection journal lines:
Yes/No/Not applicable dropdown list (If no hazard is selected)
Safe/Unsafe dropdown list (If a hazard is selected)
Under the Prolog Fast tab, in the Note field, create and maintain a prolog to be printed on the front page of the inspection list
The user can choose to show the Hazard column by clicking on the Show hazard button
If the skull icon is ticked, the inspection will fail irrespective of the total correct answers. (Except where N/A is selected)
For Scoring:
Go to: HSE > Inspections > Setup for inspections > Inspection list
Under the General Fast tab:
Enter an Inspection list name
Enter an Inspection sheet notice that is to be printed at the top of the inspection sheet
Enter the Default line maximum (the default maximum score per line. When the user enters/changes the value, the user is asked whether the max score values on the inspection list lines should be updated)
Enter the Passing %
Select No to Allow Yes/No answers
Enter the Reporting threshold
On the Inspection list under the Lines Fast tab:
The Maximum score per line field is visible
On the Inspection journal lines:
Scoring can be done on every line for every selected object/location
Under the Prolog Fast tab, in the Note field, create and maintain a prolog to be printed on the front page of the inspection list.
If the skull icon is ticked, the inspection will fail irrespective of the total score
The following buttons are used under the Lines Fast tab of the Inspection list form:
In the Button strip, the Up button is used to move the selected line up in the list. The Down button is used to move the selected line down in the list
The user can choose to show the Hazard column by clicking on the Show hazard button
The Line number field is used to order the inspection lines. This number is automatically assigned and can be hidden if necessary
In the Inspection line type field, a line can be marked as a header or a line. A header is a topic that group lines together
Category - The category is selected on the "Header" type lines. When the Graphical inspection sheet is printed, the lines will be grouped under the selected categories
Select the skull icon if the inspection must fail irrespective of the total score
Each journal name contains information that is reflected in all the journals that are created based on that template. This form is used to create and manage templates for journals.
Go to: HSE > Inspections > Setup for inspections > Inspection journal name
On the Action pane, click New
Under the General Fast tab, enter the following information:
Journal name - This name is used to refer to this journal throughout Dynamics 365
Enter a brief Description of the journal
Select the relevant Inspection list from the dropdown list
Select the Default inspection focus from the dropdown list
Select the inspection Type from the dropdown list
The Type of Inspection journal will determine under which menu item the journal can be found
The Hazard column under the Lines Fast tab on the Inspection journal, will only be visible when the Inspection type = Behavior/Safety/Construction
If it is required that the inspection has to be completed before it can be posted, move the Active slider to Yes under the Validation Field group. (At least one comment has to be entered on the journal lines)
Restrict the posting of the journal if not within the grace period of the scheduled date by selecting Yes under the Date restrictions Field group, and by entering the Grace period in days
Select the Approval group that can approve the journal name in journals or journal lines. Only users in the group can approve the journal
Select Yes under the Approval procedure Field group to activate the journal approval system for this journal name
The selected Default object/location will by default be selected on the Inspection journal
The Active slider will only be available if an Approver group has been selected
Under the Scope Fast tab, fill in the following information:
Scheduling – Select the length of the period
Site – Select the relevant site from the dropdown list
Department - Select the relevant department from the dropdown list
Budget hours – Enter the hours budgeted to execute the schedule
Under the Questionnaire Fast tab:
On the Button strip, click the Add button
Select the relevant questionnaire from the dropdown list
Select the type of questionnaire from the dropdown list
Questionnaires can be used instead of inspection lists when “branching” of questions is required
You can use one inspection journal name for all the different inspection journals, or you can create more than one inspection journal and choose the one you want to use
The Inspections button on the Action pane will open a list page of all Inspection journals relating to the Inspection journal name
The inspection location is the location that will be inspected. Use this form to create and setup the inspection locations.
Go to: HSE > Location
In the Action pane, click on the New button
Expand the General Fast tab
Enter the Location ID
Enter a brief Description of the location
Select the Parent HSE location from the dropdown list, if applicable
Select the unique Pollutant group ID from the dropdown list, if applicable
Under Selectable, set the slider to Yes if the tree node will be selectable on defining an incident
Where "Active" = Yes is selected on a location, this location will be displayed on the Location dropdown list on all HSE and GRC forms where Locations can be selected.
Expand the Risk registers Fast tab to view the risk registers that are linked to this location
Expand the Tree view Fast tab to view a hierarchy of the locations
Go to: HSE > Inspections > Schedules > All scheduled inspections
On the Action pane, click on the New button
On the Create schedules dialogue:
In the Schedule type field, select Inspection from the dropdown list
Select the applicable criteria for the filters
Click OK
Go to: HSE > Inspections > Schedules > All scheduled inspections
Select the proposed inspection that you want to approve
On the Action pane, in the Status group, click on the Approved button
On approval, an inspection will be created for the Inspector selected on the Create dialog above, and the actual Inspection journal ID will be visible in the Inspection journal column
Multiple scheduled inspections can be approved at the same time by selecting the relevant records and the clicking on the Approved button
The following details on a scheduled inspection can be changed:
Go to: HSE > Inspections > Schedules > All scheduled inspections
Select the relevant Inspection
On the Action pane, under the Work group, click on the Change button
On the Change record dialog, enter the new values
Type the Reason for making the changes (Optional)
The Change button is only available when the status of the scheduled inspection is Created of Scheduled
Go to: HSE > Inspections > Schedules > All scheduled inspections
Select the inspection that you want to work with (The inspection has to be approved)
On the Action pane, in the Work group, click on the Open inspection button
Open the Header view of the Inspection journal
Expand the Areas covered by this inspection Fast tab
Select the relevant Objects/Locations/Inventory/Projects from the drop-down lists (The Default Object/location selected on the Inspection journal name will by default populate the 1st field. This can be edited)
You can have multiple lines with the same inspection object, but with different inspection lists, for example: A weekly and a monthly inspection list
You can have multiple lines with the same inspection list, but with different inspection objects, for example: Every vehicle (object) can be linked to the same inspection list
Use the Next inspection date field under the Scheduling Fast tab to setup alerts.
To change the Inspector:
On the Action pane, in the Function group, click on the Inspector button
Select the required Inspector from the drop-down list
In the Inspection journal field, the journal number appears as setup on the number sequence
The Journal name field, select the journal name from the dropdown list as setup in the Journal name form
Please note that only ONE Inspection focus can be selected per inspection
Enter a Description of the inspection
In the Due date field, select the date that this inspection will be done on
Select the relevant Site from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Department from the dropdown list
¶ Step 14.2.2: The Areas covered by this inspection Fast tab:
The fields that are available under the Index tabs on the Areas covered by this inspection Fast tab, are dependent on the Inspection focus selected under the General Fast tab
Open the required Index tab
Select the relevant Objects/Locations/Stock/Projects that are to be inspected from the dropdown lists
In the Job plan field, select the job plan that is to be used for this inspection
Select the Location where the inspection is going to take place
Select the Project ID for this inspection from the dropdown list
Only the first Object/Location will be used for determining the passing/failing of the inspection journal
It is normal to raise findings such as a non-conformance/issue when an inspection is executed. Thus, when an inspector does an inspection, he can then formally raise a non conformance/issue
Open the Lessons learned index tab
Enter the Lessons learnedfrom this incident in the textbox provided
Enter details of the Action taken by the employer to prevent the recurrence of a similar incident in the textbox provided
On the Action pane, in the Findings group, click on the Add to issue register button
When the lessons learnt have been submitted to an Issue register, the details can be found under the Issue register field group
Safety meetings that were held can be referenced under the Lessons learned Index tab
Open the Non conformance Index tab
Type comments in the note boxes for:
Details of objective evidence received
Root cause of non conformance
Details of short-term solution
Details of non conformance
On the Action pane, in the Findings group, click on the Create non conformance button
On the Create non conformance dialog, click on the OK button
Open the Latest risk assessment Index tab
If a Risk assessment was done, the Header details of the latest risk assessment will be displayed under the Latest risk assessment Index tab
Select the inspection journal that you want to send the email notification for
On the Action pane, in the Functions group, click on the Send email notification button
If an email template is set up for Inspections, the template will be displayed in the Layout note box
An Infolog will pop up confirming that an email notification was sent
If an Inspector was selected on the Inspection journal and the Responsible person option is selected on the dialog, the email notification will be sent to the Inspector’s email address