The Employee relations module on Dynamics 365 provides functionality for capturing, tracking, and reporting on grievances. The purpose of having a grievance process in an organization is to provide a fair and transparent mechanism for employees to raise concerns or complaints and to seek resolution. Having a grievance process in an organization serves the purpose of providing a mechanism for employees to voice their concerns, seek resolution, and contribute to improving the workplace. A well-designed grievance process can help to build a positive workplace culture, increase employee engagement and satisfaction, and prevent potential legal or reputational issues.
The Status can be updated to track the latest state of the grievance record. The list of possible statuses for grievances records can be set up under Status. To create a new status:
Go to: Human resources > Employee relations > Setup > Status
Click New.
Enter a status in the StatusID in field.
Enter a short description in the Description field.
Enter a status in the System status field.
Check the checkbox in the Grievance field.
Check the checkbox in the Final state field if the state is also a final state. When a grievance record is set to a final status, users can no longer modify the record.
Click Save.
The same status can be set for grievances, disciplinary records, and as a final status by checking the checkboxes applicable (E.g., the status "Investigation" may apply to grievance- and disciplinary records).
To configure enable employees to view their grievance records on the Employee self service portal, the Show employee tiles must be configured:
Go to: Human resources > Setup > Human Resources Parameters
Open the Employee self service tab.
Under Select if this is visible on the ESS portal, tick the Show employee relations tiles checkbox.
Click Save.
Workers will be able to view their disciplinary records, as well as the attachments, on the ESS workspace when the Show employee relations tile option is enabled. Note that they will not be able to edit these records.
Sensitive data may be visible to employees when this feature is active.
Preview of the ESS portal with employee relations tiles set to be visible to employees: