The Employee relations module on Dynamics 365 provides functionality for capturing, tracking, and reporting on disciplinary actions in an organisation. Disciplinary actions in organisations serve the purpose of maintaining a safe and respectful workplace where employees are accountable for their actions and behavior. By setting clear expectations and enforcing them fairly and consistently, organisations can help to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities and are held accountable for their actions.
The lists of possible outcomes for appeal hearings, the initial outcome, and suspension hearings can be set up on the Outcomes page. There are three outcomes which can be configured for disciplinary records:
Appeal outcomes.
Disciplinary outcomes.
Suspension outcomes.
To edit an outcome, navigate to the outcome type, click Edit, and update the value in the field(s) to be modified.
To delete an outcome, navigate to the outcome type, select the row(s) to delete in the grid, and click Delete.
The list of possible disciplinary outcomes (actions against an employee) can be set up under Disciplinary outcomes. To create a new disciplinary outcome:
Go to: Human resources > Employee relations > Setup > Outcomes.
Under Outcome type, select Disciplinary outcomes.
Click New.
Enter a outcome in the Outcome field.
Enter a short description in the Description field.
Various statuses can be set up to be utilised in the tracking and management of disciplinary records.
Go to: Human resources > Employee relations > Setup > Status.
Click on New.
Enter a status in the StatusID in field.
Enter a short description in the Description field.
Enter a status in the System status field.
Check the checkbox in the Disciplinary record field.
Check the checkbox in the Final state field if the state is also a final state. When a disciplinary record is set to a final status, users can no longer modify the record.
Click Save.
The same status can be set for grievances, disciplinary records and as a final status by checking the applicable checkboxes e.g. The status "Investigation" may apply to grievances and disciplinary records.
To enable employees to view their disciplinary records on the Employee self service portal, the Show employee tiles must be configured:
Go to: Human resources > Setup > Human resources parameters.
Open the Employee self service tab.
Under Select if this is visible on the ESS portal, tick the Show employee relations tiles checkbox.
Click Save.
Workers will be able to view their disciplinary records, as well as the attachments, on the ESS workspace when the Show employee relations tile option is enabled. Note that they will not be able to edit these records but sensitive data may be visible to employees when this feature is active.
Preview of the ESS portal with employee relations tiles set to be visible to employees:
Go to: Human resources > Employee relations > Disciplinary record.
On the Action pane, click New.
On the dialog, select the worker, who is alleged to have committed an offence, from the dropdown list in the Employee ID field.
The selected employee's position will default as set up for the worker. The position may be updated if required by selecting a different position in the dropdown list.
Select the date the offence was reported.
If the employee has been notified, select the date of the notification.
Select the current status of the disciplinary from the Status dropdown list.
Select the employee, who reported the alleged offence, from the dropdown list in the Reported by employee field.
The selected employee's position will default as set up for the worker. The position may be updated if required by selecting a different position in the dropdown list.
Click on the OK button to save the disciplinary record else, click on the Cancel button if the record should not be saved.
The disciplinary record will be displayed with the generated record ID. The information entered on the dialog during creation will be visible in the General Fast tab:
Some fields may not be editable once the record has been created including the employee ID of the employee who alledgedly committed the office. If the record was incorrectly generated and the relevant field is not editable, the record will have to be deleted and a new record created.
The Status can be updated to track the current state of the disciplinary record.