ISO 31000 (2009) / ISO Guide 73:2002 definition of risk is the 'effect of uncertainty on objectives'. Therefore, risk has the potential of gaining or losing something of value. There is normally an initial risk (inherent) before controls are applied. After application, risk should reduce or remain to an acceptable risk (residual) value.
Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction with uncertainty. Uncertainty is a potential, unpredictable, and uncontrollable outcome, risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty.
In proper risk management, a prioritization process is followed whereby the risks with the greatest possible loss (or impact) and the greatest probability of occurring, are handled first, and risks with lower probability and loss are dealt with later. In practice the process of assessing risk can be difficult as well as balancing of resources to mitigate between risks with a high probability of occurrence but lower loss versus a risk with high loss but lower probability of occurrence.
Risk management also faces difficulties in allocating resources. This is the idea of opportunity cost. Resources spent on risk management could have been spent on more profitable activities. Again, ideal risk management minimizes spending (or manpower or other resources) and also minimizes the negative effects of risks.
Enterprise Risk Management is defined as an organization’s ability to understand, control, and articulate the nature and level of risks taken in pursuit of business strategies, coupled with accountability for risks taken and activities engaged in. One of the main benefits of ERM is an enhanced perspective and focus on risk management across the enterprise.
The settings for the heat map on the Risk page will display in the Risk register form and on all relevant forms where “risk assessments” are done from.
Go to: GRC > Setup > Governance, risk and compliance parameters
A risk matrix is a tool that is normally used to assess the level of risk and assist the decision-making process. It takes into consideration the category of probability, or likelihood, against the category of consequence severity.
Under the Size Field group:
Select the size of the matrix by selecting the relevant values in the Likelihood and Impact fields
Under the Level of color Field group:
Select the relevant color for each level
Under the Heat map Field group:
Assign colors to the matrix, considering the Likelihood and Impact values selected under Size Field group
Users will create and link an email template here for risk register, or risk line notifications, for example a notification email to be sent to a department to notify them of an upcoming risk assessment.
Please refer to the Alerts Wiki page for details on how to create email templates
Go to: GRC > Risk > Setup for risks > Risk appetite
On The Action pane, click on the New button
In the Threshold minimum % field, enter the minimum risk percentage for the level of risk
In the Threshold maximum % field, enter the maximum risk percentage for the level of risk
Select the Level of risk when defining risk appetite, from the dropdown list
Select the Level of risk tolerance from the dropdown list
Select the Action to be taken regarding the risk level, from the dropdown list
A warning will pop up and the relevant dialog will open when the Residual risk exceeds the risk appetite maximum threshold - ‘Residual Risk exceeds the risk appetite maximum threshold’
Risk Category is a way to group individual project risks to highlight a potential source of threats. A project manager uses risk categories to identify common project risks.
Click on the Risk categories tab
Click New
Enter a unique risk Category ID
Enter a brief Description
Select the relevant risk Classification from the dropdown list
To add Sub-categories, click on the New button in the bottom half of the form
Likelihood is the chance that something might happen. Likelihood can be defined, determined, or measured objectively or subjectively and can be expressed either qualitatively or quantitatively (using mathematics).
Click on the Likelihood tab
Click New
Select the Score from the dropdown list and enter a brief Description
Enter the lower percentage value of the score range
Enter the upper percentage value of the score range
Inherent Risk: The risk that an activity would pose if no controls or other mitigating actions and factors were in place (the gross risk or risk before controls)
Click on the Inherent risk tab
Click New
Select the Inherent risk from the dropdown list and enter a brief Description
Enter the Rating as well as the Rating percentage
Click Save
Please note that each Inherent risk line’s ‘Rating %’ setup value should represent the maximum % value of the highest combination of Likelihood x Impact for the specific color (Inherent risk element E, H, M, etc.), i.e. 5x5 = 100%. The Rating column is only for guidance and these figures will not be used by D365’s calculations engine.
Residual Risk: The risk that remains after controls have been taken into account (the net risk or risk after controls)
Click on the Residual risk tab
Follow the same instructions as for Inherent risk
Please note that each Residual risk line’s ‘Rating %’ setup value should represent the maximum % value of the highest combination of Likelihood x Impact for the specific color (Residual risk element P1, P2, P3, etc.), i.e. 5x5 = 100%. The Rating column is only for guidance and these figures will not be used by D365’s calculations engine.
Mitigation is the action and effort entered into, with the objective to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of risk. These actions and efforts must be assessed for effectiveness. At this point users must define effectiveness factors with a percentage rating. These setups are used by the Control measures, having available the Effectiveness factors and Rating % as per setup done here.
Click on the Mitigation effectiveness tab
Click New
Select the Effectiveness factor from the dropdown list
Enter a brief description of the Qualification criteria
Enter the Rating percentage
Select the relevant Colour rating for the effectiveness factor
Click Save and refresh the screen to apply the selected colours
Please note that all five Mitigation effectiveness factors have to be setup in order for the relevant one to be displayed and used for calculations on the applicable risk line(s)
¶ Step 4.6: Inherent and Residual consequence (impact)
Inherent consequence: What is the extent of the most probable impact of the risk event occurring if no controls are in place. In other words, how severely will the consequences impact a business in the absence of any actions and effort to reduce or stop the risk?
The “Consequences” are indicated by a “Currency value” amount. I.e. if the risk occurs and the consequences arise, what do we estimate the damage or cost impact to be.
Click on the Inherent consequence tab
Click New
Select the Score from the dropdown list and enter a brief Description
Select the Consequence from the standard Dynamics 365 values dropdown list
Enter the Range percentage
Enter the Value minimum as well as the Value maximum
Enter an Annual value
The Currency will default to the company’s currency
If the currency is changed on one line, all the other lines’ currencies will change to the new currency
For Inherent consequence, for each line, enter the Financial, Reputational and Compliance details in the blocks provided under the grid
Click Save
Residual consequence: The Inherent consequence is reduced by the percentage of Corrective Control. The Residual consequence is the "Currency value" left after control reduction of these two multiplied, is calculated.
The Residual consequence setup form displays the band values per score to determine the ranges of classifying the calculated Residual consequence.
Click on the Residual consequence tab
Follow the same instructions as for Inherent consequence
Risk exposure is the quantified potential loss from business activities currently underway or planned. The level of exposure is usually calculated by multiplying the probability of a risk incident occurring by the amount of its potential losses.
Click on the Exposure tab
Click New
Enter the Exposure ID
Enter a brief Description for the exposure
In the Multiplier field, enter the relevant frequency value
Controls are defined as measures designed to modify risks. Controls include any process, policy, device, practice or actions that can alter the state and attributes of risks.
These can be manual, or system driven activities, or a combination of both. Each risk might require one or more controls to effectively reduce risk/threat to an acceptable level for stakeholders.
Controls should be preventative but can also be corrective.
Risk appetite is a core consideration in an enterprise’s approach to risk management. Risk appetite can be defined as “The amount and type of risk that an enterprise is willing to tolerate in order to meet their objectives”
Go to: GRC > Risk > Setup for risks > Risk appetite
Click New
Enter the Minimum risk percentage for the level of risk
Enter the Maximum risk percentage for the level of risk
Select the Level of risk from the dropdown list
Select the level of risk Tolerance from the dropdown list
Enter the Action to be taken regarding the risk level
Enter the Escalation routine to be taken regarding the risk level
A Risk register is a collection of risks. Each Risk register consists of a header and lines sections. The headers (registers) are listed in a list page with a preview of the risks (lines). The lines are the multiple risks listed under each header. To create, view or edit the lines, users have to work on the risk detail form.
A risk template (baseline risk register) is used to streamline the risk assessment process and reduce manual effort during risk identification. A risk template has no analysis and no responses linked to it, and serves as a model for actual risk creation. It is useful if you have several similar risks to create.
After the baseline risk register's status is updated to Submitted, the Change button in the Action pane becomes available. This update could be manual (use the Status button) or by using Dynamics 365 F&O workflow.
When the Baseline slider is on Yes, the user can select one of the following options in the Consolidation field:
Use for group
Use for group and create parent register
The last two options will enable this baseline register to be used across legal entities. If Create parent register is selected, an empty Parent risk register will be created.
Please note that if no values are entered, the record will be updated with blank values.
If Cancel is clicked, no changes will be made to the existing register.
Go to: GRC > Risk > Registers > All enterprise risk registers
The Show filter can be used to narrow down your search by filtering on the following:
All Enterprise risk registers
Allopen Enterprise risk registers
All closed Enterprise risk registers
It is noteworthy that the risk register and individual risk lines both have life cycles.
¶ Step 15.1: Buttons on the Risk register list page
An existing risk register can be Deleted (Risk registers cannot be deleted if risk lines exist) – this is not advisable since the Risk register number sequence will be interrupted, containing missing records.
A New risk register can be created by doing a risk assessment
On the Action pane, in the New group, click on the Enterprise risk button
Enter the relevant detail on the Enterprise risk create dialog
Click on the Create button
OR, click on the From baseline button to do a risk assessment by using a baseline risk register
Enter the relevant detail on the Enterprise risk assessment dialog
Click on the Create new register button
An existing risk register can be Edited
One can close a Risk register. Click on the Close button to mark a register as complete.
Archive: A risk register can be archived and locked (closed). The user has the option to keep an active copy of the archived risk register. All archived risk registers can be viewed on the All archived registers list page.
Change RACI: The Responsibility matrix can be setup by selecting responsible employees’ data from setup HR data
Please note that if no values are entered, the record will be updated with blank values
If Cancel is clicked, no changes will be made to the existing records
Change: Details of the selected risk register can be changed under this option
When the details of a risk register have been changed, the status of the risk register will be set to Changed. This Changed status can be used for filtering purposes and can be changed back to a “normal” Risk status
It is possible to create a complete hierarchy by marking a specific Risk register as the parent of another register. To add this parent to another parent (thus creating multiple levels) select the parent that this “child” belongs to from the Parent dropdown list on the Hierarchy setup form.
Hierarchy: The Risk register hierarchy setup form
The Parent field indicates a header record (Parent) to the current Risk register line
The Parent field contains a list of header (Parent) type risk registers
Select the relevant Parent to assign to the current Child Risk register
Enter a description in the Hierarchy description field
Click on OK
The details can be viewed under the Hierarchy Fast tab on the Risk register header
Copy: Make a copy of the selected Risk register and attached risks (including the details)
Send email notification: Email a risk notification to all stakeholders
The Send email notification button is on the Risk register list page as well as the Risk register detail form
Status – Update the status of the risk register by selecting the relevant status from the dropdown list when clicking on the Status button
Created - The user can submit the risk register
Submitted - The user can Reexamine, Approve or Reject the risk register
Re-examine - The user can Approve or Reject the risk register
Approved - No changes can be made to the status
Rejected - No changes can be made to the status
Changed - The user can Reexamine, Approve or Reject the risk register
Print the Risk register report
Print the Risk register detail report
List children: Shows the records (risks) that belong to the current/selected header record family
Refresh: To update the form and display any latest changes/updates made in previous steps
Export to Microsoft Excel:
Attachments (document handling): this functionality displays and carries relevant documents, notes and files which can be attached to the selected Risk register
¶ Step 16.1: Buttons on the Risk register detail form
Archive: An existing risk register can be archived
Enterprise risk: Create a new risk assessment
From baseline: Create a new risk assessment by using a baseline risk register
Send email notification: Send an email notification to the selected worker on the parameters
Create a non-conformance: Create a non-conformance on the selected risk line. A record will be created under the Associations Fast tab
Consolidate child lines: Opens a dialog where the user can specify the Parameters for the consolidation
The user has the option to include more than one risk class in the consolidation of risk lines.
The consolidation period can be specified.
When a Parent risk register is closed, all its Child risk registers will be closed as well
Assertions: Opens a dialog where the user can indicate the relevant Financial statement assertions
Financial statement assertions are claims made by an organization’s management regarding its financial statements. The assertions form a theoretical basis from which external auditors develop a set of audit procedures.
Status: Change the status of the selected risk line
Print the Risk register detail report
Open the Header view
The General Fast tab:
The Baseline selection slider indicates whether this Risk register is a baseline type Risk register
Risk register ID – a unique number assigned to the Risk register
Description displays a brief description of the Risk register
Select the relevant Process from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Activity from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Site from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Department from the dropdown list
In the Class field, select the risk classification from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Risk type from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Project from the dropdown list (If required)
In the Recorded by field, select the worker who created the Risk register
Select the date on which the risk register was Created
When the Date created is changed, a message will pop up asking the user if the lines need to be updated with the same date or not
The default Date created is the system date when the Risk register is created
The next Review date for the Risk register can be selected – this is beneficial for reporting purposes
The Status field indicates the Risk register status – all the risk lines need to conform to this status in order to contribute to the status on the Header
The Closed selection slider indicates whether the Risk register is closed. The user can also close the Risk register from here
The Closed date indicates the date on which the risk register was closed
The Responsibility matrix Fast tab:
Select the Employee responsible from the dropdown list
Select the Employee accountable from the dropdown list
Select the Employee consulted from the dropdown list
Select the Employee informed from the dropdown list
The Job and Department are those of the selected worker
The Hierarchy Fast tab:
Indicate whether this risk register is a Parent risk register
If this register has a Parent risk register, select the relevant Parent from the dropdown list
Move the Use for consolidation slider to Yes if you want to use the Risk register for consolidation
When Use for consolidation = Yes:
The Parent slider will be moved to Yes
On the Risk register lines, the following buttons will be disabled:
Bowtie focus
On the Risk register Action pane, the Consolidate child lines button will be enabled
The Review and follow up Fast tab:
Enter the Follow up notes in the box provided
Under the General Fast tab, move the Review slider to Yes
Under the General Fast tab, move the Review slider (the same slider) to No
The notes entered in the Follow up note box will be moved to the Last review notes box, and the Last review date field will be populated
Another review up can be done now
The Default line values Fast tab:
Select whether the Site and/or Department from the Header should be used on the Lines
Use header site and department dropdown selection:
None – When neither site nor department from the header should be used on the lines
Site only – Only the site from the header should be used on the lines
Department only - Only the department from the header should be used on the lines
Both – Both site and department from the header should be used on the lines
The Continuity and disaster recovery Fast tab:
In the Button strip, click on the Add button
Select the relevant Date
Select the relevant BC/DR ID (Continuity and disaster recovery plan ID) from the dropdown list
The values for the other fields are populated with the values entered on the selected Continuity and disaster recovery plan
For details on the setup for Disaster recovery, please refer to GRC021 Test Script Business Continuity Management
The Approval history Fast tab:
User ID – Name of the user who changed the status of the risk register
Date time stamp – When the Status was changed
Reason code – The user can enter the reason for changing the status of the risk register
Status – The updated/new status of the risk register
GRC 365 allows users to do many and different calculations per one defined risk
The Summary index tab:
Date of assessment
In the Inherent risk and Preventative control effectiveness fields, users can type in a value. This initial value can be refined by going to the Details Index tab
In the Trigger event field, enter the possible occurrence that will trigger the risk
The Target residual risk (it will default in from the risk line, general fast tab)
The Created by will be auto filled based on the logged in user (linked to worker)
The theory of ERM:
Users will subjectively/initially start with an assessment, additional information (such as Likelihood and Consequence) can be added later that will fine tune the initial assessment that will result in more relevant data. GRC will do some of the calculations automatically based on the setups above.
The objective is to have GRC display the calculated Control effectiveness percentages based on the mitigation setups used (if the line-by-line controls are created), as well as the Residual risk values. Only Preventative type control values influence the Preventative % and Preventative control effectiveness.
If no specific Preventative controls were entered and the Recalculate button is clicked, the initial manual value stays the same
The Details index tab:
(A) Inherent (Initial) field group:
Inherent likelihood: Select the relevant inherent likelihood from the dropdown list. This value can be updated under the Summary Index tab
Inherent consequence: Select the relevant inherent consequence from the dropdown list This value can be updated under the Summary Index tab
Inherent rating: This value = Inherent likelihood X Inherent consequence
Inherent risk %: The percentage score for the inherent risk is updated based on the Inherent likelihood and Inherent consequence
Inherent cost: Enter the estimate cost amount for the probable loss
Currency: Select the relevant currency from the dropdown list
Inherent value: This value = Inherent cost X Inherent risk %
Inherent score: This value = Likelihood x Consequence
Velocity: Select the relevant velocity value form the dropdown list. This value is also updated when a Velocity assessment is done
Multiplier: This value will be populated according to the setup done on the Risk configuration setup form, Velocity (risk timing) Tab
Time to cause is calculated as below:
(Likelihood + Velocity multiplier) x Impact/consequence
When and how fast can this happen to us?
Time to impact is calculated as below:
(Impact/consequence + Velocity multiplier) x Likelihood
To indicate “At what point will we feel what happened?”
(B) Controls field group:
Prevention percentage: Inverse of preventative control percentage
By adding control lines, this value will be updated
Correction percentage: A calculated field displaying the average effectiveness percentage for all corrective controls linked to the assessment calculation
(C) Residual field group: (Displays only)
Residual likelihood: The likelihood of the event occurring in the current control environment. (This includes Insurance, preventive and detective controls and other risk treatments). This should be determined after a review of the effectiveness of the control.
Residual risk: The percentage score for the residual risk
Residual consequence: What is the most probable impact of the risk event if it were to occur within the current control environment? Assume that the controls are operating at their assessed strength, rather than the maximum consequence if the controls were to fail.
Residual cost: The probable cost amount associated with the residual risk
Residual rating: This is a system calculated residual risk rating
Residual value: The value associated with the residual risk
Residual risk displays the Likelihood and Impact values after controls have been applied. The mitigation effectiveness percentages on likelihood and impact applied in the above tab drive the Likelihood and Impact scores displayed under this tab.
The user can overwrite the Likelihood and Impact scores if the Mitigation effectiveness percentages are to be side-lined.
The Residual Likelihood X Residual Impact risk rating is displayed on the Risk matrix.
Enter additional Notes on the residual risk
Risk matrix - The X by Y matrix displays the matrix as it is setup on the parameters form
Risk response is the process of developing strategic options and determining actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to the organization’s objectives. An enterprise team member is assigned to take responsibility for each risk response.
Expand the Strategy and response Fast tab
Select the relevant Strategic pillar from the dropdown list
Enter the Control strategy
Enter the Responsibility
Select the relevant Risk response from the dropdown list
Traditionally risk was only seen as negative “things” to be managed. But doing business “as usual” is a riskier proposition. Siloed approaches to risk management create dangerous blind spots for business. Closer alignment of risk and performance management has become a business imperative. An integrated approach to risk and performance management leads to smarter risk taking.
To this effect choose Goal categories and templates.
Enter against the targeted performance and measure the actuals.
Additional information such as an item, order, product, etc. can be selected under the Associations Fast tab in order to link it to the selected risk
In the button strip, click the Add button
A selected Primary check box indicates that this is the primary association for the risk
Select the relevant Entity type from the dropdown list
Select the unique identification of the entity
The name of the selected entity is displayed in the Name field
To reveal details of the selected association, click on the Details button on the Button strip
List of Entity types:
• Case • Worker • Lead
• Opportunity • Customer • Vendor
• Prospect • Project • Sales order
• Purchase order • Service order • Item
• Customer transaction • Expense report line • Expense report
• Vendor invoice • Vendor invoice line • Purchase order line
• Returned order • BOM/Formula • Route
• Production order • Quality order • Product
• Customer invoice • Customer invoice line • Incident
• Risk • Courses • Hazard
• Course types • Object • Contract
• Policies • Non-conformance
When a Vendor/Customer is associated with an Enterprise risk, information from the Enterprise risk register will be displayed on the Vendor/Customer profile.
If changes are made on the Enterprise risk register, these changes will be updated automatically on the Vendor profile.
A risk can be transferred from a Non-conformance to the Associations Fast tab
It is important for risk assessments to be carried out regularly so that employers can identify any substance or thing that may pose a danger to health and safety and ensure that the necessary preventative control measures are implemented. The risk assessment should include information on all present risks in the organization, their necessary control measures, all the safe systems of work and monitoring procedures in place.
Go to: GRC > Risk > Enterprise risk assessment
Enter a Description for the Risk register
Select the relevant Risk type from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Site from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Department from the dropdown list
Move the Use for consolidation slider to Yes if you want to use the Risk register for consolidation
Enter a line Label
Enter the name of the Risk owner
Enter the Default target risk
Select the relevant Inherent likelihood from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Inherent consequence from the dropdown list
Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a plan-based business strategy that identifies, assesses, and prepares for any potential non health & safety related risks that may interfere with an organization's operations and objectives.
Operational risk management (ORM) is defined as a continual cyclic process which includes risk assessment of hazards with a health & safety impact, risk decision making, and implementation of risk controls, which results in acceptance, mitigation, or avoidance of risk.
Financial risk management (FRM) is the practice of mitigating loss to economic value in a firm by using financial instruments to manage exposures, such as credit risk and market risk, foreign exchange risk, volatility risk, liquidity risk, inflation risk and commodity risk. (Reserved for future version)
Under the Template Field group, the user has the option to select a Baseline risk
Under the Header detail Field group:
Enter a description for the Register
Select the unique Process ID from the dropdown list
Select the unique Activity ID from the dropdown list
The Class field will by default be Enterprise
In the Type field, select the Risk type from the dropdown list
Under the Line defaults Field group:
Select the relevant Site from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Department from the dropdown list
Enter a detailed Description of the risk
Select the relevant Location from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Object from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Job plan from the dropdown list
In the Risk owner field, indicate the owner of the risk (Employee/Department)
Under the Risk lines Field group:
Click on the Add button
Enter the risk Label
Click on the Next button
In order to ensure that the information entered from Step 3 to Step 7 is applied to each risk line selected on Step 2, click on the Apply these values to every risk line from step 2 button
A set of questions are setup under the Questionnaire module. When these questions are answered, and the final answer triggers an update to the controls as being "Critical" or not.
A process for selecting critical controls
For the system to be able to update the control on the Control galaxy according to the outcome of the questionnaire, the last question in the questionnaire has to prompt the user to select YES. This last question has to be set up with the “If ‘yes’ update control” slider set to Yes.
Go to: GRC > Risk > Critical control questionnaire
In the Action pane click on the Add button
On the Add questionnaire dialog:
Select the relevant Control type from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Control from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Questionnaire from the dropdown list
Select the name of the person who has to complete the questionnaire from the dropdown list
Enter the Due date
If you want to start the questionnaire when OK is clicked, move the Start questionnaire slider to Yes. The Questionnaire can also be started by clicking on the Complete questionnaire button in the Action pane.
Complete the questionnaire by answering all the questions and clicking on the Forward button at the bottom of the screen
If this is a critical control, the user will be asked to select Yes as confirmation
Click on the End button at the bottom of the screen
On Action pane of the Critical control questionnaire, click on the Confirm result and update control button
If the last question was answered with Yes, and the “If ‘yes’ update control” slider on this question is set to Yes, the control will be flagged as Critical on the Control galaxy
The risk management report is an important document in the risk management file and acts as a check or quality control which provides an assurance that the risk management plan has been implemented correctly, the overall residual risk is acceptable, and that mechanisms are in place for the compilation of production and post-production information.
Go to: GRC > Risk > Risk management reports
On the Action pane, click on the New button
On the New risk management report dialog:
Enter the Name of the report
Enter the Documentnumber
Enter a brief Description for the report
Select the Employee responsible for the report, from the dropdown list
Click on OK
On the Risk management report form, under the Content Fast tab, open the References Index tab
The user can add lines one by one manually by clicking on the Add button in the button strip
Enter a Reference ID
Enter a brief Description for the reference
In the Element relation type field, select the relevant type from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Element relation from the dropdown list
Add Risk lines from the risk register linked to the Department selected under the Cover page Index tab
Add clauses from the Legal register linked to the Department selected under the Cover page Index tab
Risk consolidation allows users to evaluate the risks of different departments or divisions inside one legal entity as well as different subsidiaries across a group of companies from the bottom up, and consolidate them at group level. Users can choose the risks to be consolidated from a lower level organization unit, and submit them to the upper level organization unit, until all risks reach the group level.
GRC supports top down as well as bottom up consolidations. The latter is where users in subsidiaries create their own registers based on group baseline registers. We will explain the top down below.
Assuming users (in the holding company) created a baseline register and flagged it for group use as well as that a parent consolidation register was created from this baseline.
For every subsidiary (as specified in the Group of companies setup) users in those "child" legal entities will see that a Risk register is created with the proposed risk lines (assessments) to be completed by them.
Open the Header view and expand the Hierarchy Fast tab to view the Parent register ID
Go to the "child" risk register
Under the Lines view, add/remove risk lines as required
Enter the assessment calculations and controls for each risk line
¶ Step 23.3: Consolidate risks from subsidiary/children
Go to the Parent risk register
On the Action pane, in the Lines function group, click on the Consolidate child lines button
Select the relevant parameters on the Consolidate child lines dialog
The Workflow editor can only be opened in Microsoft Edge
To create workflow for Risk registers, go to:
GRC > Setup > Governance, Risk and Compliance workflows
Below is a screenshot of the Risk register approval workflow
When workflow is enabled:
The Status button will be hidden when the Header status = Created, but the record can be submitted into workflow
Once the record is submitted to workflow, the Header status will change to Submitted
If the Header status of the record = Submitted, the only option available on the Status button dropdown list, will be Reexamine
When Reexamine is selected from the Status button dropdown list, the Header status will become Reexamined and the record will treated the same as if it had a status = Created
The Status button will not be available when the Header status = Reexamined
A record with status = Reexamined can be submitted into workflow
Once the Workflow has been Approved, the Header status will be Approved
The Status button options will be hidden when the Header status = Approved or Rejected
When the Header status of a record = Changed, the Workflow button will be available and the record will treated the same as if it had a status = Created
When the Header status of a record = Changed, the only option available on the Workflow button dropdown will be Submit
Various Risks are created and identified in the Risk register. These risks need to be maintained, mitigated, and eventually closed.
The Enterprise risk worksheet is used for “quick” maintenance on and viewing of Risks, and places focus on the responses to risks. Risk outcomes and Control measures are defined and maintained on this form.
The Risk worksheet displays the various open Risks per Risk register in the top grid, with the related Additional information (Risk outcomes and Control measures) in the bottom grid. Additional Risk outcomes and Control measures can be added for each Risk line by using the bottom grid.
Go to: GRC > Risk > Worksheets > Enterprise risk worksheet
Please note the one-to-many link allowing one Risk to be mitigated via many Controls (Control measures)
Risk information and values from the Enterprise risk register are displayed in the top grid of the Enterprise risk worksheet
Risk register - Indicates the Risk register that groups together multiple risks
Label - Brief description of the risk
Description - Detailed description of the risk (as per risk lines, General Fast tab)
Initial likelihood, Initial impact and Initial risk rating - Act as guides and display the colour under Initial risk column (as per the register’s risk lines, populated under the risk lines, Initial risk Fast tab)
Preventative control effectiveness and Control effectiveness - Indicate the values selected on the register’s risk lines, populated under the risk lines Assessment calculations and controls Fast tab
Residual likelihood, Residual impact and Residual risk rating - Act as guides and display the colour under Residual risk column, (as per the register’s risk lines, populated under the risk lines, Residual risk Fast tab)
The process of analyzing all of the risks associated with hazards and evaluating them to determine steps for risk control and priorities. Risk Assessment considers two (2) main factors: -
The likelihood that the hazard will result in injury/illness, loss or damage to the environment, property, plant or equipment. This assessment of likelihood also needs to consider frequency or exposure to the hazard.
The potential severity of that injury, illness, loss or damage.
Risk Score:
The risk score is the number allocated following risk assessment, which describes the level of risk, ranging from H (very high risk) to L (very low risk). The risk score is also used to identify the priority and timeframe of response to the identified hazard.