Contract management, also known as Contract lifecycle management (CLM) is the management of contracts made with customers, vendors, partners, or employees. The staff involved in Contract Administration required to negotiate, support and manage effective contracts are expensive to train and retain. Contract management includes negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions, as well as documenting and agreeing on any changes or amendments that may arise during its implementation or execution. It can be summarized as the process of systematically and efficiently managing contract creation, execution, and analysis for the purpose of maximizing financial and operational performance and minimizing risk.
CLM is the methodical management of a contract from initiation through award, compliance and renewal. Implementing CLM can lead to significant improvements in cost savings and efficiency and can limit liability and increase compliance with legal requirements.
Some key steps in the CLM process are:
Capture: Step one for most people is to get all their existing paper contracts in a central visible place. If you have no clear idea what contracts you have, then you have no idea what your potential risk exposure is.
Track: Once you know where all your contracts are, the next step is to track important data, so you don’t miss any milestones. This affects both existing and newly signed contracts.
Create: Contract creation has two tracks. First, empowering business users with self-service, wizard-based creation using intelligent templates pre-approved by legal. Second, making life easier for legal when drafting complex deals on your own paper, or reviewing and “patching” contracts negotiated on other people’s paper.
Approve: Companies need an approval workflow process to ensure that risky contracts are reviewed and approved by the right person. Some risks need to be approved by legal, some by management, some by special departments like credit, etc. Ideally, safe deals are pre-approved.
Negotiate: The needs of the typical negotiator include: a checklist of issues for each type of deal; a way of marking up the paper to highlight how it’s different from the original or the last draft; and a way of capturing and flagging those differences (if possible).
Sales and purchase agreements can be classified as Trade contracts. These are characterized by the selling and buying of items, or by executing or receiving a “Statement of work”.
Non-trade contracts are those contracts which are by definition not trade contracts and are usually found in your normal business and day-to-day life, e.g., lease agreement, employment contract etc.
If Workflow is used, Case category type security needs to be setup
Go to: Organization administration > Setup > Cases > Case category type security
In the Case category field, select Contract from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Roles from the Available roles column and move them to the Selected roles column
¶ Step 1: Governance, risk and compliance parameter setups
In the Name field, select the e-signature tool that you will be using, from the dropdown list
Enter an Account ID. A unique identifier for your account specifies the account being accessed when making API calls. This ensures the integration targets the correct account for operations like sending or signing documents.
Indicate whether this will be the Default e-signature tool used
Enter the details of the Authorisation server
Enter the Client ID. Also known as the Integration Key, it is a unique identifier for your integration application. It is essential for the authentication process and enables secure access to your account.
Enter the User ID. Represents a specific user in your account. It ensures that API calls are correctly attributed and authorised on behalf of this user.
Enter the Redirect URL
Enter the Base path. The URL endpoint for API calls. It may vary depending on the environment (e.g., production or sandbox) being accessed, serving as the base URL for all API requests.
Enter the Private key in the box provided. A secret key is used in the authentication process to securely validate API requests without exposing sensitive login credentials.
Enable contract governance for a specific area by selecting the relevant value in the Enable field
Select the relevant SOW project budget model from the dropdown list
If Contracts governance has not been enabled for purchase/sales agreements, the items marked below will not be visible on the purchase/sales agreements
¶ Step 1.3: Setup contract governance for contract requests
Contract Requests are the triggers to initiate your company’s formal contract process, specifically to request the creation of a Contract in GRC 365. This is an internal process and at the begining excludes 3rd party involvement. Later down stream in the prosess external legal counsel can be called upon. A request must be approved in order for the contract to be created. For this process to be enabled users must fill in some default values and subsequently do some case setups.
Specify the default case processvalues for new contract requests and for contracts to be reviewed/vetted.
Go to: GRC > Setup > GRC parameters
Open the Governance tab
Expand the Contracts governance Fast tab
In the New process field, select Request for new from the dropdown list
In the Review process field, select Request for review from the dropdown list
As explained above, cases are used for contract requests. GRC 365 supports requests of type "new contracts" as well as request of type "reviewing of existing contracts".
By selecting roles for the Case category type security, only users with these roles assigned to them, will have the privilege to create a New contract request or a request for contract review.
Go to: Organization administration > Setup > Cases > Case category type security
Select the required Case category from the dropdown list
Select the required role/s from the Available roles list
Click on the right pointing arrow button to move the selected role/s to the Selected roles list
As part of the contract request approval process, users can and should print out a Motivation report. The Source type and Source ID are used when compiling the Motivation report. This information is selected under the Case log fast tab on the Case.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Source types
On the Action pane, click on the New button
In the Source type field, enter the type of source (E.g. Financial value, Cost center)
Enter a brief Description for the source
Under Source type option, in the button strip, click on the Add button
Enter a Name and brief Description for the source type option (These are the column names on the report)
A list of suppliers/vendors of legal services should be created and maintained inside GRC 365. These legal panel members are used when drafting contracts as well as giving advice when contract breaches and remedies are considered.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Legal > Legal panel
In the Action pane, click on the New button
Select a Legal category from the dropdown list
Enter a brief Description
Select the relevant supplier/vendor from the dropdown list in the Panel member field
Legal panel members are also used when creating a contract request and on the contract (Preamble index tab).
Contracts may be classified on the basis of their validity, formation or formance (that which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through).
The Applied to dropdown list gives the user option to create the following types of contracts:
Human resources
Supply chain
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Contract classification
Enter a unique ID for the classification in the Classification ID field
Enter a brief Description for the classification ID
Select the Email template to be used for manual sending of emails, from the dropdown list
Select the relevant PDF integration template from the dropdown list
Select where this email template is Applied to, from the dropdown list
In the Enforce for AP and Enforce for AR fields, tick the box to enforce the total contract value, and limit users to spend beyond the contract value
Select the relevant AP journal name from the dropdown list (Only journal names of type Vendor invoice recording, can be selected)
Select the Signature type for approval required for contract approval, from the dropdown list
Select the Signature type required for printing the Sofa report, from the dropdown list
In the Email batch template field, choose the template to use for automated batch alerts, from the dropdown list
The email notification will be sent to the Employee responsible selected under the RACI Fast tab on the Contract
In the Notification batch template field, choose the template to use for automated batch alerts from the dropdown list
Indicate whether this Contract classification will be used for Investmants or not
Tick the Group contract box to enable the use of the Contract, via purchase agreements, in multiple legal entities
On the Contract detail form, Content Fast tab, Cover page Index tab, the Worker field will only be editable where Human resources is selected in the Applied to field on the Contract classification setup form
The easiest way to think about a contract clause is to first understand that it's a written portion that exists to do a legal-specific job. In other words, a clause in a contract is a unique section that addresses a specific need, privilege, right, deadline, or duty.
Users can create a list of frequently used and generaly accepted clauses for approval.
Users must also flag these clauses in the Used in field to group clauses together for specific use in contract drafting or other type of document drafting.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Standard clauses
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter a Standard clause ID
Enter a brief Description
Select the relevant Heading for the clause
(Heading 1 for a primary heading, Heading 2 for a secondary heading)
If this is a secondary clause, select the relevant Parent clause form the dropdown list
Select the relevant Status from the dropdown list
Select the area that the caluse will be Used in from the dropdown list. (E.g. Contracts)
Under the Overview Fast tab, enter the clause details
If the Status of the clause is Approved, the record will be locked
Only Approved clauses can be selected on the Contract
Terms and conditions refer to the contractual rights and obligations of a party to any contract. They refer to the broader more generic guidelines (opposed to specific clauses) that parties must follow in an agreement.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Standard terms and conditions
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter a Group ID for the standard terms and conditions
Enter a brief Description
In the Effective date field, enter the date from which the record is valid
When the record has expired, move the Expired slider to Yes
Under the Terms and conditions Fast tab, click on the Add button
Before launching the tender, the buyer should satisfy itself that all planning, budget analyses and exercises have come to a satisfactory conclusion. It is good practice to develop a check list and confirm/check that all relevant conditions of preparation and structuring are met. In addition an Approval authority matrix should be defined.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Approval authority
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter the applicable Year
Select the relevant approval Level from the dropdown list
Enter the name of the Authority
Select the relevant Target from the dropdown list
Enter the Maximum amount
Select the relevant Currency from the dropdown list
Tick the Unlimited checkbox for all values greater than the Maximum amount
Enter a brief Description
Select the relevant Approver from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Approval group from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Approval authority Role from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Financial manager from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Procurement manager from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Procurement director from the dropdown list
The filters above the grid can be used to find specific records
Expand the Related information pane to view the users in the selected Approver group
In the Action pane, click on the Modify approval group button
On the Change approval group user dialog:
Select the relevant Type of change from the dropdown list:
Select the user that should be added to the group, from the User dropdown list
Select the user that should be removed from the group, from the Approval group member dropdown list
Click on the OK button
This is useful for Workflow as well reporting inside the tender evaluation report (TER). The approval authority is also used in the gift register. Users define thresholds (per department/cost centre etc.) for gifts received and subsequent approval based on said threshold value.
In some geographies it is a legal requirement to "report" contracts to government agencies. GRC 365 supports this but require a list of these agencies to be created.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Reporting agency
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter a Reporting agency name
Enter a brief Description
Select the Contact person for the Reporting agency
Indicate whether this is a default Reporting agency
A Document pack is used to group multiple documents together. These documents normally support contracting activities. For example, when a set of templates are needed for a purchase, they can be referenced in the contract by using a Document pack. Additionally, a list of recipients can also be added to the pack. This is useful when a set of documents must be sent to a bid committee meeting.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Document pack
On the Action pane, click on the New button
In the Document pack ID field, enter a name and enter a Description
A SharePoint URL can be entered
Indicate whether the record should be published to the portal
Expand the Recipients Fast tab and click on the Add button
Select the Workers that you want to send the Document pack to
Expand the Related documents Fast tab to view the documents related to the selected Document pack
Only Approved document packs can be selected on the Solicitation type and on the RFQ
The link between the Document pack and the Related documents is created on the Contract detail form under the Content Fast tab
There are two “agreements” in Dynamics that on the surface appear to be similar: The purchase agreement and the trade agreement.
In Dynamics, a Trade agreement can be thought of as an “if this, then that” mechanism for applying discounts. Essentially, you can create a rule for pricing and apply it to a particular product, group of products, client, or group of clients. You can apply all kinds of limitations and exceptions to these rules, such as date ranges. For example, trade agreements in Dynamics 365 allow you to realize the following scenarios:
“If client X purchases more than 100 widgets, they will receive a 12% discount” “If any client purchases 10 widgets or more between 20 December and 24 December, they will receive $5000 off their order”
A purchase agreement is a contract that commits an organization to buy a specified quantity or amount by using multiple purchase orders over time. In exchange for this commitment, the buyer receives special prices and discounts.
Purchase agreements override trade agreements. They represent a commitment by a certain organization to purchase a certain amount. While it is possible to apply a trade agreement to a single client, trade agreements do not represent a commitment. You would want to implement a purchase agreement following a price negotiation, for example.
These two are the same in nature as they allow you to create price discounts based on purchase behavior, but there are two key differences between purchase agreements and trade agreements. Trade agreements are more flexible when applying discounts to a wide range of purchase situations, while a purchase agreement is specific to a vendor and is representative of a commitment to buy.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Trade agreement journal names
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter a Journal name
Enter a brief Description for the new journal name
Select the relevant Relation from the dropdown list
¶ Step 13: Setup Integration template for PDF services
Future release will support PDF integration.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Integration template for PDF services
In the Action pane, click on the New button
Under the Template Fast tab:
Enter a Template ID
Enter the Signing sequence
Enter a brief Description of the template
Under the Signatories Fast tab:
Click on the Add button
The system will assign a value in the Sorting column
Enter a brief Description of the Signatory
Enter the value of the Dependency of the Signatory (Sorting number)
Select the Type of Signatory from the dropdown list
The purchase agreement classification allows you to control the administrative information that is available on purchase agreements.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Purchase agreement classification
On the Action pane, click New
Enter a Name that describes the purchase agreement classification. The classification will be available on the Purchase agreement page when you create new purchase agreements
Enter a brief Description for the Purchase agreement classification
Under the General Fast tab:
Indicate whether Subcontractors may be used for this classification
Under Certifications, select Yes to enable the entry of insurance policies and bonds on purchase agreements that use this classification
Indicate whether this classification will Require direct invoicing
Under Activities, select Yes to enable the entry of milestones and tasks on purchase agreements that use this classification
Under Workflow, select Yes to indicate that the HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) workflow is enabled for this classification
An organization negotiates and concludes a contract. The detail of this contract includes that users can and should release PO’s (most likely without approval since there is an approved contract) against this contract. But the rules of the organization states that the total of all PO’s being released cannot go beyond the negotiated contract value. Under this Fast tab, super users can choose to enforce the above rule.
Under the Governance Fast tab:
Select the relevant Performance goal category from the dropdown list
Indicate whether the maximum value is to be enforced or not
Indicate whether the contract value from the contract register should be locked or not
It is prudent to assess the risks associated with Trading partners and related contracts. To support this, users can do a risk assessment via the Profile Fast tab on the Contracts detail form/page. Risk categories are needed for this.
Go to: GRC > Risk > Setup for risks > Risk configuration
Open the Risk categories tab
On the Action pane, click New
Enter the unique risk Category ID
Enter a brief Description of the risk category
In the Class field, select the relevant risk classification from the dropdown list
Click Save
Sub-categories can be setup for each Risk category
A reason must be provided when a contract is renewed or terminated. These reasons can be setup as described below.
Go to: GRC > Setup > Description lookups
Open the Contracts Index tab
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter an Identification for the description lookup/Reason code
Enter a Search name for the description lookup/Reason code
Enter a Description for the description lookup/Reason code
¶ Step 17: Setup Performance KPIs, goals and users
To measure supplier performance; users can link Key performance indicators (KPIs) and performance goals to a contract. The KPIs are linked directly against a supplier/vendor and customer on the Trading partner Fast tab.
Contract request is the start of the entire contract lifecycle and defines the type of contract to be created and the related details.
Contract request involves all the activities necessary to initiate a new contract in Dynamics 365 F&O. The process can be ad hoc, where users manually write down what type of contract they want and what should be inside it, or automated, where users choose from a contract baseline (template) and using workflows to route to the proper approval users. GRC 365 supports two types of contract request cases:
Workflow will make the Create contract button available
If workflow is not enabled, change the state of the Contract request to In progress
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Release new contract requests
Select the relevant contract request
On the Action pane, under the Case tab, in the Governance group, click on the Create contract button. The status of the contract request will now be Closed
A blue line will appear confirming that the contract has been created
Contract review is a thinking process - a rational analysis. This process includes clarifying of contract related facts, measuring of the feasibility of contract, and forecasting of contract risks.
Contract vetting is to critically examine the details of a contract.
There are two ways of creating a review case for a contract.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Contract register in legal entity
On the Contract register in legal entity list page, select the relevant contract
In the Action pane, click on the Change state button and select Review from the dropdown list
Enter the details on the New case dialog as described below
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Review contracts
On the Review contracts list page, in the Action pane, click on the New button
Select Case from the dropdown list
On the New case dialog, open the General Index tab
Select the SourceName from the dropdown list
In the Case category field, select Contracts, then select the Review (Legal 2) option from the list
Enter a brief Description for the new case
Click on the Other Index tab
Select the relevant Department from the dropdown list
Select the Employee responsible from the dropdown list
In the Case process field, select Request for review from the dropdown list
Click on the Contracts Index tab
Select the relevant Contract to be reviewed from the dropdown list
Enter a motivation in the Motivation text box (mandatory)
Click on the Create button
For the Contract to be reviewed to appear on the dropdown list:
The contract must exist in the Contract register
The state of the contract must be Approved
There can be no existing Contract request (case) against the contract
¶ Step 18.2.2: Contract to be reviewed detail form
If workflow is enabled, the request for the contract to be reviewed will be on the Review contracts list page
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Review contracts
The information entered on the New case dialog will populate the relevant fields on the detail form.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > All contract requests
On the All contract requests list page, select the relevant contract request
Additional information can be entered under the Fast tabs:
Under the General Fast tab:
Customer/Vendor account
Expand the Case log Fast tab
Click on the Add button
Select the relevant date in the Date field (If a date is not selected, TODAY’s date will be used)
Enter a Description for the Source type
Select the relevant Source type from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Source ID from the dropdown list
Enter an Amount
Expand the Document management Fast tab
Under the Contract request Index tab:
Parties involved in the contract request
Select a Baseline contract
Linked Purchase/Sales agreement will be displayed
Under the Motivation Index tab:
Enter the Motivation for the contract request
Enter the Background of the contract request
Enter the Recommendation for the contract request
Expand the RACI Fast tab
Select the Employee responsible
Select the Employee accountable
Select the Employee consulted
Select the Employee informed
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > All contract requests
Select the relevant contract request to be reviewed
On the Action pane, in the maintain group, click on the Change status button
GRC365 has a register for Baseline contracts (also known as templates). These are defined as a template with an outline of a contract and can be used for certain types of contracts, or for a combination of contracts. A baseline contract contains approved clauses, terms and conditions, milestones and more. The intent is to use a baseline contract to quickly and easily create new contracts.
If a contract is not created via a request (as explained above), users can manually create a contract in the contracts sub module. The content (clauses and paragraphs) of contracts can be added, created, managed and stored under GRC, using the contracts register.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Contract register in legal entity
On the Action pane, click on the New button, and click on Document
On the New contract dialog:
Enter a Name for the contract
Select the relevant Baseline contract from the dropdown list (Optional)
Select the relevant Contract (type) classification from the dropdown list
Enter a Document number
Enter the contract Value
Select the relevant Currency from the dropdown list
Enter the Start date for the contract
Enter the Date of expiration for the contract
Select the Employee responsible for the contract, from the dropdown list
Click on the OK button
If a Baseline contract is selected:
The Contract (type) classification field will be populated with the Contract (type) classification selected on the Baseline contract
The clauses that you want to copy from the Baseline contract to the new contract, must have the Copy box ticked
If a BOM exists on the baseline, the BOM lines will copied to the new contract
Under the Content Fast tab:
Open the Cover page Index tab
Enter a link in the SharePoint URL field
Enter a brief Description of the document
If this contract has to be approved by a team, select the relevant Approval team from the dropdown list
The user has one of 3 options to create the Package ID. In the Package ID field:
Enter the required ID
Select the relevant value from the dropdown list
Click on the gear icon. The system will then generate the package ID
The AP enforce slider is a display of what was specified on the Contract classification that was selected
The State of the document can be changed by clicking on the Change state button on the Action pane
**If this is an employment contract, select the employee’s name from the Worker dropdown list
Select the relevant Dates
If this contract was requested, the Contract request ID will be displayed
Indicate whether a Follow up has to be done
Select the relevant Document pack (if applicable)
To create a new version of the contract, click on the New button in the Action pane, and click on Version
All references to Purchase agreements on the original Contract will be deleted on the new version
Users can create a “Baseline” or “Template” and then use this Baseline contract's approved clauses to copy clauses into a new contract. This contract can then be linked to a Vendor or Customer account via the Trading partners Fast tab. Alternatively a Worker can be linked to the contract for HRM employment purposes.
On a Baseline contract, under the Content Fast tab, open die Clause Index tab
Tick the Copy tick box of all the clauses that you want to copy to the new contract
In the Action pane, click on the Copy button
To get to the new (copied) contract, go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Contract register in legal entity
A Parent can be selected for the contract by selecting the relevant contract from the Parent dropdown list
Only Master contracts with a state of Draft can be selected as a Parent on another contract
A contract can be marked as a Master by moving the slider to Yes
The Sub documents of a Master record can be viewed in the Related information pane
Certain enterprises need to consolidate contracts. GRC allows users to link different contracts to a “Master” (parent) contract and calculate the consolidated contract value from the "child" contracts.
The Consolidate button:
The Consolidate button in the Action pane, is only availible for Master contracts
When this button is clicked, the values from the “children” contracts are added and displayed in the Value field under the Content Fast tab on the Master contract
Only Master contracts with a state of Draft can be selected as a Parent on another contract
The Currency on the Master must be the same on the “Child”
Open the Preamble Index tab
Enter the details of Party 1 and Party 2 in the note boxes provided
Select the Legal panel service provider from the dropdown list. (Only legal panels with a status of Accepted will be on this dropdown list)
The text entered in te Notes box, will be printed as the preamble on the contract
Contract clauses are added under the Clause Index tab. This is useful so that users can see for example, which performance clauses, penalty clauses or breach clauses are applicable.
Open the Clause Index tab
In the Button strip, click on the Add button
The Clause number will be generated by the system
Select the Heading (Heading 1 for a primary heading, Heading 2 for a secondary heading)
Enter a Description
If required, select the worker responsible for doing the Action
Select the date on which the action should take place
Use the box provided to type the Clause definition
Click on the Add approved clauses button and select the relevant approved clause form the dropdown list
Activities can be created per clause
Open the References Index tab
In the Button strip, click on the Add button
Enter a Reference ID
Enter a brief Description
Select the relevant Element relationtype from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Element relation from the dropdown list
Enter the Element description
Enter the Amount
Select the relevant Currency from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Frequency from the dropdown list
Enter the Date recorded
For contracts, users will be able to reference physical agreements (on the “Purchase and Sales agreement” forms) under the Trading partner Fast tab against vendors and customers. See the screenshot below.
The Total value field, under the Content Fast tab, displays the sum of the Value field and the Approved CR’s field (Remaining contract value). This value can be given to one or more suppliers/vendors by selecting them under the Trading partners Fast tab.
The Worker field will only be editable where Human resources is selected in the Applied to field on the Contract classification setup form
The Approved CR’s field displays the sum of all linked CR’s with status = Approved
The Total value field displays the sum of the Value field and the Approved CR’s field (Remaining contract value). This value can be given to one or more suppliers/vendors by selecting them under the Trading partners Fast tab.
Open the Signatures Index tab
In the Signature description note box, enter a detailed description of the signatures required
Enter the relevant details under the INTERNAL field groups
Enter the relevant details under the EXTERNAL field groups
¶ Step 20.2: Contract stages and workflow statuses
The following contract stages are supported to guide users through the contract lifecycle:
Default state when a contract is created
The record can be deleted only if the Contract request field is empty
The record cannot be terminated/archived
Indicates that a contract has been received from a trading partner (vendor/customer)
The record cannot be deleted
The record cannot be terminated/archived
The record can be deleted
The record cannot be terminated
Will be greyed out when any other status is selected
Can be submitted to workflow
The contract can only be renewed if the stage = Approved
The stage of the contract will be changed to Draft
The record cannot be deleted
The record cannot be copied
User is allowed to create a review case
All states are disabled, but can be terminated
The record cannot be deleted
If workflow status = Approved, the contract stage will be changed to Approved
State can only be changed to: Renew/Review/Approve
The record cannot be deleted
Contract stage cannot be changed to Closed when the current stage = Terminated
The record can only be terminated when the current stage = Approved
The record is locked
The record cannot be deleted
The record cannot be copied
Can be archived if a new version of the contract is created
The stage of the record will be Terminated
All states are disabled
The record is locked
The record is now on the Archived contracts list page
When a user changes the state to Review, the record will be locked and the user's name displayed in the Locked by field. This user is now the only one who can edit the record.
A record of the stage change will be added under the History Index tab
In addition to the Contract stage, GRC also supports a workflow status. These are:
A breach of contract is a violation of any of the agreed-upon terms and conditions of a binding contract. The breach could be anything from a late payment to a more serious violation, such as the failure to deliver a promised asset.
There are several remedies for breach of contract, such as award of damages, specific performance, cancellation, restoration.
Under the Breach and remedies Fast tab:
Click on the Add button
Enter the Breach date
Select the Breach type from the dropdown list
Tick the Service level agreemnt box if the SLA was breached
Select the Remedy type from the dropdown list
Enter the Expected damage
Enter the Consequencial damage
Enter additional notes in the Breach and Remedies note boxes
On "Acceptance" of a vendors bid response (on the RFQ); Dynamics normaly automatically creates a purchase agreement. In addition, a contract can be created from an RFQ (Purchase type = Purchase agreement) if the solicitation type includes a baseline contract, and the relevant clauses on the baseline contract are marked to be copied.
When the baseline contract is not specified on the solicitation type, D365 will warn the users when the manage replies button is clicked.
The trigger for the contract creation is on acceptance of a vendor from the RFQ form.
¶ Step 22: Create a contract from a Purchase requisition
Go to: procurement and sourcing > Purchase requisitions > All purchase requisitions
Select the relevant record
In the Action pane, click on the Create contract button
Complete the New contract dialog
The new contract will be referenced in the Contract field
A primary trading partner has to be selected for the contract
All item lines and statement of work lines have to add up to the total contract value
A Purchase agreement has to exist against the contract (Step 27 below)
The Request change button is only available when the contract is approved
The Request change button will not be available when there is a CR with status In progress linked to the contract
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Contract register in legal entity
Select the relevant contract
In the Action pane, click on the Request change button
On the Create change request dialog:
The system will create a Change request number
Enter a Title for the change request
Select the relevant Priority of the change request from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Category of the change request from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Severity level of the change request from the dropdown list
Click on the OK button
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Change requests
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Under the General Fast tab:
Enter a Title for the change request
Select the Priority of the change request
Select the relevant Site from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Department from the dropdown list
Under the General Fast tab:
Select the Amendment template to be used for the clause change requests, from the dropdown list. (The clauses that you want to copy from the Amendment template must be ticked in the Copy column on the template)
Under the Changes to Fast tab:
The Contract register reference that the change request is for, can be seen under this Fast tab
Under the Assumptions Fast tab:
Enter Inclusions in the note box provided
Enter Exclusions in the note box provided
Expand the Scope of change (lines) Fast tab
To specify the existing clause that has to be changed:
In the Button strip, click on the Add button
In the Change type field, select Scope from the dropdown list
In the State field, select Final from the dropdown list
In the Element type field, select Clause from the dropdown list
In the Element field, select the clause that is to be replaced, from the dropdown list
To enter the new/replacement clause:
In the Button strip, click on the Add button
In the Change type field, select Scope from the dropdown list
In the State field, select New from the dropdown list
In the Element type field, select Clause from the dropdown list
Enter the text for the new clause in the Long description note box provided
In the Button strip, click on the Approve the change button
On the Action pane, in the Change status group, click on the Approve button
Please note that a document has to be attached under the Information Fast tab before it can be approved
Once a change request has been approved, the record will be locked
On the Action pane, in the Functions group, click on the Create amendment button
Enter a Name for the amendment that you are creating
Click on OK
A record will be created under the Change planning Fast tab
The document with listed Amendments can be printed by clicking on the Print document button. Scroll to the last page to see the amendments.
View the Sub document created by the Change request:
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Contract register in legal entity
Select the contract that the change request was created from
Expand the Related information pane
Expand the Sub documents Fast tab
The Master slider will now be on Yes, indicating that this is the original contract
The document with listed Amendments can also be printed from the new Contract that was created, by clicking on the Print button in the Action pane and selecting Print document. Scroll to the last page to see the amendments.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Contract register in legal entity
Select the contract/record that you want to link to a project
Expand the Projects Fast tab
Under the Statement of work Index tab:
Click on the Add button
Indicate that this is a Header line
Enter a Description
Click on the Add button to add lines
On the lines, select the Header as Parent for the line
Select the relevant Frequency from the dropdown list
Enter a Description
Indicate that the lines are part of the Budget for the Project that is to be created
Click on the Create a project with WBS button, and the normal Project create dialog will appear
The new project's number will be displayed in the Project field at the end of the grid
The Create a project with WBS button: For SOW record where Header is selected a single project will be created and work breakdown structure lines for this project based on the SOW ID lines linked to the WBS parent
The Create a group of projects button: All SOW records in grid without a project link (at the end of the grid) will be created into a project Hierarchy. The statement of work ID flagged as "main" will be the top project
There has to be a Header for each project that you want to create
The combination in the Cost/Revenue field and the Project category field, has to be different for every line
If the values in the Amount column have changed, click on the Update contract value button to update the amount in the Value field under the Content Fast tab
Organizations must account for any expenses incurred in the past (and know about them) as these are costs that become due in the future. To wait or rely on suppliers/vendors to submit proof timeously is not prudent. Assuming a contract exists between an organisation and its suppliers/vendors that governs the relationship, this contract can allow users to accrue (also known as "pre-cost") the expenses/services into a Invoice journal.
The final account is the conclusion of the contract sum (including all necessary approved change requests) and signifies the agreed amount that the party will pay to the contractor. It includes any work that is paid to the contractor through the main contract.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Contract register in legal entity
Select the relevant contract
Expand the Content Fast tab
Open the Statement of termination Index tab
In the Action pane, click on the Termination button
On the Termination/Sofa of contract dialog:
Select the relevant Worker from the dropdown list
Enter the Termination/Sofa date
Select the relevant Reason code for the termination, from the dropdown list
Enter the Agreed final account
Click on the OK button
A record will be added under the Renewals and termination Fast tab
Under the Content Fast tab, open the Statement of termination Index tab
Select the relevant Sofa status from the dropdown list
Enter details/reasons for the termination in the note box provided
Click on the Print the statement of final account button
A record will be added under the Sign off Fast tab with the Sofa box ticked.
Contracts and tender management reviewers is a setup form used in the Contracts workflow when a lookup is used to the Approval authority form. The Financial dimensions that should be used by the Approval authority, are specified on this form. If Financial Dimensions are not defined here, the system will attempt to retrieve all dimensions from the Approval authority. This can result in an error if any required Financial dimensions are missing from the Approval Authority.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup for governance > Contracts and tender management reviewers
In the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter a Name for the reviewer group
In the Target field, select the relevant workflow from the dropdown list. This is the workflow for which the dimensions are looked for in the Approval authority.
In the screenshot below we have an example of how the setup under the General Fast tab will be done for the Contracts workflow, where only dimension owners of the Department must be able to approve the workflow
On the creation of a contract, the Value of the contract is entered under the Content Fast tab, Cover page Index tab.
It is common for enterprises to award a contract to one primary vendor with more than one secondary vendor (trading partner). The Trading partners (and the related Purchase agreements) are selected under the Trading partners Fast tab:
In the Button strip, click on the Add button
Select the relevant Vendor/Supplier account from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Purchase agreement from the dropdown list
Enter the Purchase agreement amount
A validation is done to make sure that the sum of the Purchase agreement amounts does not exceed the contract value
The primary vendor/customer can be indicated by ticking the Prime box
Click on Save
The user now has the option to create/update the contract value (or the portion allocated) as a line in the Statement of work on the purchase agreement
If contract value is enforced on the selected Purchase agreement classification, the Contract value enforced Field group becomes visible under the Contract commercials Fast tab.
Open the RACI Index tab
Select the Employee responsible from the dropdown list
Select the Employee accountable from the dropdown list
Select the Employee consulted from the dropdown list
Select the Employee informed from the dropdown list
The Employee accountable field is used when sending out manual notifications when clicking on the Send email notification in the Action pane
To send an email to Line management, click on the email icon next to the relevant name
The selected worker must have a primary email address
Purchase agreements refer to those agreements that commit an organization to buy a specified quantity or amount by using multiple purchase orders over time. In exchange for this commitment, the buyer receives special discounts etc. Contracts are the starting point. One contract could have many purchase agreements linked to it.
Contracting officers should set up, maintain and keep record on every aspect of a contract, both to provide a list of actions taken and to protect the organization’s interests under the contract (also to ensure compliance). This will provide an organizational memory of contract events.
Commercial summary
All of the “Governance tracking” entities could have a financial impact. Thus, Dynamics 365 will give a summary view of these under the Contract administration Fast tab.
The Line value which is the sum amount of the Net amount on the Purchase agreement lines, is displayed in the Line value field on the Purchase agreement Header.
If lines were added to the Purchase agreement, click on the Recalculate button to update the total in the Line value field.
Open the Commercials Index tab
To view the details of the Contract value enforce:
Open the Related information pane
Expand the Contract value enforce Fast tab
Back to back with sales
Expand the Contract administration Fast tab
Reference sales agreements under the Sales agreements Index tab
An organization can create a formal checklist (steps to guide the buyers) to aid in the procurement process
Open the Checklist Index tab
Select the relevant Job plan from the dropdown list
Click on the Create checklist button (a checklist will be created from the job plan)
Checklists need to be closed and applicable feedback given
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Purchase agreements
On the Action pane, click on the New button
On the Create purchase agreement dialog, enter the following:
Select the relevant Vendor/Supplier account from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Purchase agreement classification from the dropdown list
If a Purchase agreement classification is selected where Max value is enforced, the Max value enforced slider will be set to Yes, and the Default commitment field will be non-editable.
On every release (creation) of a Purchase order on a Purchase agreement (linked back to the contract) a check is done to show users and to stop them from releasing the next PO if the value of the next PO is going to exceed the contract value.
The Contract name and Contract value are referenced on the Purchase order Header
Related Purchase orders and Sales orders can be viewed:
On the Contract detail form, under the Trading partners Fast tab, select the Vendor account/Customer account that you want to see the related PO’s or SO’s of
Click on the View related orders button and select either Purchase orders or Sales orders
The relevant list page will open displaying only records related to the selected Vendor account/Customer account
The primary vendor/customer can be indicated by ticking the Prime box
The management of a contract involves many activities to ensure fulfilment of that contract. Events can sometimes alter or disrupt the performance of a contract. For example, a contractor may default on contractual obligations, disputes may arise about contract conditions, or there may be a need to make amendments to the contract after it has been awarded.
Whenever the fulfilment of a contract is in question, contracting officers should take the necessary steps to serve and protect the interests of the organization. Contracting depratment should keep complete and up to date files to provide a record of actions taken. Key to have complete files are to record the contractor/vendor/supplier performance.
The Balanced Scorecard concept is a management and measurement system which enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. The goal of the balanced scorecard is to tie business performance to organizational strategy by measuring results.
Go to: GRC > Performance > Balanced scorecard > Balanced scorecard perspectives
On the Action pane, click New
Enter a unique ID for the balanced scorecard perspective
Enter a brief Description for the balanced scorecard perspective
Indicate whether the balanced scorecard perspective is Active or not
Select the relevant Perspective type from the dropdown list
Use goal categories to categorize goals. For example, if you set quarterly goals, the goal heading for a goal might be the quarter in which the trading partner (Suppliers and customers) is to achieve the goal.
Go to: GRC > Performance > Setup > Goal category
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Enter a name for the new Goal category
Enter a brief Description for the new Goal category
In the Active field, select the option to allow employees and managers to assign goals to the heading
Before you can measure the performance of your trading partners (Suppliers and customers), you must first create goals. This is done by first setting a goal and then having specific (measurements) that will track performance against each goal.
Go to: GRC > Performance > KRI & Goals
On the Action pane, click New
In the Name field, enter an identification for the goal
Under the General Fast tab, in the Name field, enter a brief description of the goal
In the Worker field, select the worker that will be responsible for achieving the goal
Move the GRC only slider to Yes. If the slider stays on No, the goal will not be on the GRC KRI & goals list page, but can be found under HR > Performance > Goals.
Select the relevant Goal category from the dropdown list
Select the Balance scorecard perspective from the drop down lists
After linking Goals to the purchase or sales agreement (contracts), the reference will display in the General tab of the Goal.
Expand the Measurements Fast tab
In the Button strip, click on the Add measurement button
On the Add measurement dialog, select the relevant Measurement from the dropdown list
Complete the dialog with the relevant information
Click OK
¶ Step 35.2.4: Create Goal category link to agreement classification
A specific goal category can also be linked to an agreement classification.
Go to: GRC > Setup for governance > Purchase agreement classifications
Click on the Governance Fast tab
Click on the Performance goal category dropdown box and select the relevant performance goal category
Click on the Save button in the Action pane
¶ Step 35.2.5: Performance management of Purchase agreements
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Purchase agreements
Select the relevant purchase agreement from the list
Open the Header view
Expand the Performance Fast tab
In the button strip, click on the Add button and select the relevant Goals to be linked to this contract
The goal “transactions” are displayed to the right of the selected goal
There are two filters on the Goal field:
The Performance goal category on the Purchase agreement classification, and the Goal category on the KRI & goals, have to be the same
The GRC only tick on the KRI & goals has to be Yes
¶ Step 35.3: View risk assessment details on Vendor/Supplier profile
Go to: Procurement and sourcing > Vendors > All vendors
Expand the Vendor profile Fast tab
The values under the Enterprise risk Field group are updated when the “lock” button is clicked on the Enterprise risk register Lines, under the Assessment calculations and controls Fast tab, Details Index tab.
The Vendor/Supplier is associated to the Risk register under the Associations Fast tab
The manual submission process for Purchase agreements are managed by selecting the various statuses of the purchase agreement set out under the Governance group. The stages can be selected in the Purchase agreement Action pane under thePurchase agreement tab, Governance group
Submitted is greyed out
All other stages are still available
Record can be deleted
Released is greyed out
Status will change from ‘On hold’ to ‘Effective’
Release order button will be available
Record can be deleted
This Will be greyed out when any other status is selected
Negotiate is greyed out
All other stages are still available
Record can be deleted
Award is greyed out
All other stages are still available
Record can be deleted
All stages are disabled
The record can be deleted
Status will change from ‘Effective’ to ‘Terminate’
All stages are disabled
The record can be deleted
Status will change from ‘Effective’ to ‘Terminate’
Trade agreements are the primary means by which pricing and discounts are set up and applied in Dynamics 365 FO. Trade agreements are commonly confused with sales and purchase agreements.
¶ Step 37.1: Trade agreement created from Purchase agreement
Go to: GRC > Governance > Contracts > Purchase agreements
Select the relevant purchase agreement
On the Action pane, open the Governance tab
On the Action pane, in the Other group, click on the Create trade agreement button
On the Create trade agreement dialog, select the relevant Journal name from the dropdown list
Click OK
For the Governance tab to be available, the purchase agreement status must be Effective
If the purchase agreement is in a stage of either Cancelled or Archived, the Governance tab will be greyed out
The Trade agreement number will be populated in the Trade agreement field under the Contract administration Fast tab
The government agencies of a country, group of countries, or international organizations as representatives of the United Nations sometimes impose sanctions and bans on trading with specific countries. This in conjunction with REACH and RoHS compliance bans, shipping specific products to specific countries, for business or political reasons, known as Geo blocking (or also embargos). You must comply with these in your import and export processes.
The Trade restrictions form in the Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) module lets you check your business transactions for critical business partners automatically. In the process, the system checks all trading partners who are subject to an embargo situation as a result of their company's location. If an embargo situation exists, D365 warns the user on contract creation. Future functionality will allow for complete blocking and log tracing of blocked transactions and allow for release as necessary.
Go to: GRC > Governance > Setup > Trade restrictions and sanctions
On the Action pane, click on the New button
Select the Sanctioned country/region from the dropdown list
Under the Sanction Fast tab, in the Task bar, click on the New button
Select the Sanctioning country/region from the dropdown list
Select the relevant Effective and Expiration dates
Enter a Description
In the Notes box, enter the specifications of the specific sanction